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Blog of Nafiul Alam Chowdhury

Problem was preety straight forward, client wanted to filter search reasult by date. As usual like always there is a but. Here the but is sorting pattern will change based on your visiting date. Say Current date is 2016-09-23 Data Order...



Nafiul Alam Chowdhury21 October, 2014 at 06:10 PM

Few days back I witnessed a fight started in facebook on a simple post saying 6/2(2+1) is it 1 or 9. One group are saying 1 one are saying 9.     Some are referencing to BODMAS rule to satisfy there answer as 9...


Coding Approach

Nafiul Alam Chowdhury21 October, 2014 at 07:10 PM

With my experience I've seen lot of programmer start coding before thinking. They are good coder but I doubt there programming skills. Programming is not just coding, but doing it efficiently. Many young-stars ask me "Bro, your code is so...


How JadeWits Started

Nafiul Alam Chowdhury25 October, 2014 at 12:10 AM

At March, 2010 we started JadeWits. Back Then I was working as a senior software developer at eBizzSol. I was planning to leave eBizzSol, as they were not paying the salary timely. Even when I left eBizzSol I had a handsome amount due. I was...